PHOTOGRAPHY Old and New 2010, digital photograph Butterfly 2010, digital photograph Fan 2010, digital photograph Backlit print 2014, digital photograph 75 x 60cm Backlit print 2014, digital photograph 60 x 75cm Backlit print, 2014, digital photograph 75 x 60cm INSTALLATION Absence and Presence 2015, gauze squares sewn together with silk Absence and Presence 2015, detail Absence and Presence 2015, detail Absence and Presence 2015, detail SCULPTURES WITH SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Tribe 2013, surgical instruments mounted on wood 70 x 85cm Mandala 2013, surgical instruments mounted on wood 85 x 85cm General Nurse, height 50cm 9 panels 30 x 30cm each made from intravenous infusions and medical sundries. Giant Masks WATERCOLOURS Care, 40 x 30cm Theatre, 40 x 30cm Night Watch, 40 x 30cm Our Nurses, 40 x 30cm Washing Feet, 40 x 30cm When I was Thirsty, 40 x 30cm Stillness, 30 x 40cm POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Soft Conduit 2009, potassium permanganate on canvas 122 x 122cm Washing Hands 2009, potassium permanganate on canvas 122 x 122cm PAINTINGS War Nurse 1918, acrylic 90 x110cm Florence Pringle, acrylic 92 x 122cm DRAWINGS Caesarian Section Tray, pencil 100 x 80cm Charnley Hip Replacement Tray, pencil 100 x 80cm Tonsillectomy Tray, pencil 100 x 80cm